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Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Korean Fan Dance

The korean students performed their traditional dance at lunch which's the Korean Fan Dance.The Korean Fan Dance is one of the most popular and well-known movement pieces from Asia. The bright pink fans and dresses combined with graceful movement have thrilled audiences in SWA. I just want to say good job cause they did the dance very well.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mother Tongue Week

Today is mother tongue day. Mother tongue brings together vocal and instrumental music, dance, poetry and story to create moving and potent ritual performances for a variety of audiences. Like some of the teachers, they will be performing in front of us at lunch today. During lunch, lotus was so crowd cause most of the students and a few teachers were watching the performance enthusiastically. Tomorrow, it will be different from today however mostly the event is mostly the same. There will be performances and exhibition. Hope you guys enjoy the mother tongue week!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


There is no best genre of music, everybody likes different music. Music is completely in the ear of the beholder. It would be impossible to say that one genre is better than another. I love hip hop music but i think that i if i had to choose it would be classical music for best genre. It has transcended through time, unlike most of the music of now.

By the way, this is the greatest classical music I've ever heard...

Hope you guys enjoy it!!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


I love playing basketball and I'm still improving my basketball skills by watching some top players' skills during NBA game like the player Lebron James. I like his quote "I don't want to be Kobe, I want to be Lebron." For me it's a strong quote which means be yourself. Therefore we shouldn't underestimate ourselves and our own abilities.

Will post something soon!!! ^^